BP Award, Scholarship For Master and PhD in Enginering and Geosciense, UK

BP is one of the world's leading international oil and gas companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items

BP is committed to supporting individuals who will be the future talent in our company throughout their education. Our Opportunity Awards recognise, reward and support academic excellence and support the potential for future achievement in the workplace.
This funding is to help support the final year of a four year masters course. Awards and funding will be given to successful candidates through an application and selection process. These scholars will also receive a guaranteed place at a BP assessment centre in their final year.

To be eligible for an Opportunity Award you need to be studying at one of the following participating Universities:

Imperial College of London
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of Leeds
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
University of Strathclyde

You need to be in your penultimate year of a four year masters course in a Science or Engineering degree that is eligible for one of the following scholarship opportunities - Mechanical Engineering, Materials/Corrosions Engineering, Chemical/Process Engineering, Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Engineering, Process Saftey Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Drilling and Completions Engineering, Offshore/Subsea Engineering, Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering, Chemistry, Geoscience, PERE, Petrophysics. To see if your degree subject is eligible, please use our Degree Matcher.

If you are in your penultimate year of PhD study you are eligible for an Opportunity Award in the following areas only - Geoscience, Petrophysics, PERE.

Application Procedure
To apply, you should complete our online application form. If you meet our minimum requirements having submitted your application, we will send you an email along with details of how to take our online test. The test lasts about 20 minutes and has two short sub-tests within it looking at verbal and numerical reasoning. We offer the choice of taking the test in different languages so there is a good chance you will be able to take the test in your first language, if this is not English.

Once your application has been reviewed and you have taken the test, one of our recruitment team will then make the decision whether or not to invite you to the first-round interviews. This decision will be based on the strength of your application and your performance in the online test. Please make sure you give us your most up-to-date email address.

The online application link can be found in the website link

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